
I have over 20 years professional experience in Web design and development, from 1999 through to the present day. I am self-taught and self-employed.

I have contracted with successful web-based companies like Orbitz, Expedia and others, and have worked at successful design and marketing firms like IDEO, Razorfish and DDB.

I have also done work for United Airlines, Motorola, Searle, Sears, Verizon, Home Depot, Marriott, DuPont, and other Fortune 500 companies.

I have been primarily self-employed since 2011, along with various part-time and consulting positions. I was lead designer at Chicago.com from 2006–2011; Developer at Design Kitchen from 2004–2006; Art Director at Integramedia, Inc. from 2002–2004; Web Designer at Cyberworks Media from 2000–2001; and a web design intern at ProPlanet Internet Solutions from 1999–2000.


My services include full-stack development • Graphic design • Illustration • Logo design • Custom icons • Video production • Site management • Font design • Copywriting • IT & security • Information graphics • Audio production • Digital photography • Email design & campaigns • Interactive removable media • Online marketing • and SEO • and Mobile app management for Google Play, the Apple App store or Expo.io.

Technical skills include HTML5, XHTML & Microformats like Schema.org • Javascript: jQuery, three.js & other libraries, Coffeescript and some ES6 • AJAX, JSON, web applications and REST APIs • WordPress, Drupal, Joomla & others • XML, RSS, RDF & YAML • CSS3, LESS, SASS/SCSS, Stylus & XSLT • PHP & ASP.NET • MySql • Mobile design for web apps • Apache & IIS, Dovecot & Postfix • Windows & Linux IT administration • S3 & EC2, Google APIs • Twig, HAML & Smarty • and version management like Git & Subversion.