What do you get in a site from me?

  • Content is Legible, designed and formatted for reading on the web.
  • The layout adheres to classic graphic design principles: proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis, variety, contrast and uniformity.
  • Pages Print clearly.
  • Content management allows you to easily control the text and media on your site.
  • The interface is highly Usable. Making your site ‘pop’ is secondary to making it work.
  • Pages display properly on Mobile devices.
  • The site is compatible with older browsers and computers, and will work with future technology.
  • The markup is standards-compliant. it uses valid HTML5 and valid CSS3.
  • The code is clean, well-commented and extensible, so the site can evolve over time, without ever having to start over from scratch.
  • Rigorous testing and debugging ensures that we can launch on time, on budget, with no surprises.

20+ years experience

I have worked in web development since 1999, from the original Dot-com boom to the present day. I have witnessed this industry’s successes and failures first-hand, which informs my perspective on extensibility and forward compatibility.

I also understand backward compatibility because I learned those technologies when they were relevant. I understand the difference between timeless design standards and easily dated fads. This means your project will have staying power.

I have worked for a range of clients, from small, local businesses to United Airlines, Sears, Motorola, Verizon, Home Depot, Searle, Marriott, and several other Fortune 500 companies.

I have contracted with very successful web companies like Orbitz, Expedia and others. I have worked at successful design and marketing firms like DDB, Razorfish and Ideo.

A full-service professional

Whatever you’re trying to accomplish, chances are I can make that a reality. I offer a range of different services:

  • Web design and development
  • Illustration, by hand or computer, including technical illustration
  • Logo Design and branding
  • Custom icons and user interface design
  • Video directing, production and editing, including streaming video
  • Management of your site including content management, hosting, domain name registration and renewal
  • Font design and typography
  • Print design and collateral
  • Security for your site from hacking and spam
  • Information graphics including maps, charts and diagrams
  • Audio production: recording, editing and post-production, for podcasts and the web
  • Photography and photo retouching
  • eMail campaigns and HTML email design
  • Interactive media on CD, DVD, USB stick and other removable media
  • Online Marketing including search engine optimization, analytics, advertising and social media integration
  • Copywriting, editing, proofreading, slogans and naming
  • Consulting on proposed, developing or existing projects
  • Mobile app management in the Apple app store, Google Play store or Expo.io

I also maintain my own server and can build you a mail server, web server, cloud platform, intranet, security system or any similar network.

Technical Expertise

  • Javascript and libraries, including jQuery(UI), Three.js and all the other major JS libraries; Coffeescript, some ES6
  • AJAX; JSON, web applications, and REST APIs; some Vue.js, React Native experience
  • HTML 5, including Microformats like Schema.org
  • CMS/CRM: WordPress, Drupal, and Craft; SugarCRM and other CRMs; DNN, Joomla, CMSMS and others
  • Template engines: Twig, HAML, Smarty and others
  • PHP, with experience in ASP.net and other server-side scripting languages
  • MySql and other SQL administration
  • Mobile web development
  • XML, RSS, RDF, YAML and an understanding of semantic markup in general
  • Git, subversion, repository management
  • IT, with a focus on Linux/Apache; Postfix, Dovecot; with IIS and Nginx experience. I host most of my clients on my VPS.
  • Cloud Services: S3, EC2; Google Cloud services, Tag manager, and Google APIs

Now that you know what I can do, you can View my work or contact me to get a quote.

    Get a quote, or just drop me a line.

    Contact me

    My screen name is MorganNunan on Google and Skype. You can also find me on LinkedIn.

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